Gail Ironson, M.D., Ph.D.
Professor of Psychology and Psychiatry, University of Miami
Board Certified Psychiatrist
Gail Ironson, M.D., Ph.D., Professor of Psychology and Psychiatry, is a board Certified Psychiatrist (residency trained at Stanford), with a Ph.D specialization in quantitative psychology (University of Wisconsin) and an M.D. from the University of Miami.
She has over 180 publications in the field of behavioral medicine applied to HIV/AIDS, cancer and cardiovascular disease, is past President of the Academy of Behavioral Medicine Research Society (2002), recipient of a Senior Investigator Award from the Society of Behavioral Medicine (2011), and recipient of the Alumni Award for excellence in Scholarship and Teaching from the University of South Florida (1983). She is current or past member of the editorial board of five journals (International Journal of Behavioral Medicine, Heath Psychology, Journal of Applied Psychology, AIDS and Behavior, Mind/Body Medicine).
She has directed or co-directed federally funded research studies investigating biological effects of stress and coping in HIV/AIDS, traumatic events and their treatment, and stress management interventions (in cancer, HIV/AIDS, and cardiac illness); and privately funded research on spirituality and health. Finally, she set up and has been co-directing the trauma treatment program at the University of Miami Psychological Services Center for the past 17 years. Her research interests involve examining the impact of psychological factors on health including immune, neuroendocrine, and cardiovascular systems. Her currently funded research focuses on trauma treatment and positive psychological factors in health.